Archive for May, 2011

AC Delete Fun

Well the AC delete setup the shakedown motor for the GT came with had some issues- wrong crank pulley, repaired steel bracket, and cracked ear on the main (aluminum? pot metal?) mounting plate so it was time for a new setup. Luckily Swedishiron on the Brickboard sells complete kits for $60 including shipping. It comes with everything- even the correct rubber firewall grommets to install post hose-removal. Perfect! And being that the kits are from the west coast they are in beautiful shape. BUT I wanted to spiff things up a little so out came new poly bushings and a few spray bombs.

Pork Apple!

A little cleaning and spraying made them quite nice.

Eastwood Detail Gray and Alumniblast make the difference. The Ace black was all I had but it looks pretty good.

Replacing the pulley took a little effort as everything was rusted solid. Out came the torch.

Apart at last.

Nifty with clean salvaged hardware.

The misalignment from the previous setup caused a very loud vibration from 2100-2900 rpm when combined with some thrust play on the pump shaft. The new setup still makes a tiny bit of noise, but is MUCH better. Maybe I’ll find a new pump one of these days.

Belt size: 17380- 17375 might be better.

Note nice new splashpan. It’s the heavy duty plastic model from FCP– a deal at $35.

Thanks again to Jonathan at Swedishiron.