Archive for February, 2010


Looking through my digital archive of Volvo ads the other day I was struck by the delightful design similarity between the brochures for the 1957 444 (p. 7) and the 1972 144 (p.1).

A Winter Wash

It got up to 40 last weekend so I got motivated and put the new wheels on Sadie and got her out of the garage for the first time in five months. I had planned on finishing the project (floor, front brakes including calipers, master, and lines) by Halloween but one thing led to another and I decided to be a lot more thorough with the floor. So there I was in early February finally pulling the dust-encrusted wagon out to make way for exhaust and body repair on my gray 142. A wash was in order for sure.

Looks so much better. More work to do, though.

A bucket of hot soapy water made the chore more than bearable. And yeah, I do park cars on my front lawn sometimes. When you own seven cars and live in the inner-city you kinda have to.

Finish bodywork will have to wait for Spring.

The project is really progressing. There’s some work left to do on the driver’s side and I need to take care of the passenger side floor but it’s not nearly as bad as the drivers side so the end is finally in sight. Remaining items are:

  • finish floor
  • bumper swap (from my ’61)
  • transmission seal
  • rear brake hose
  • paint new wheels (finally got the proper 4.5″)
  • finish bodywork and blend paint in
  • maybe rear suspension bushings
  • wheatherstrip and window channels
  • clean and detail engine compartment

With any luck I’ll have her in good shape for April. Then drive her another ten years!

Having the garage back was very helpful for getting some much-needed work done on Granny, my winter car. I was able to patch up the disintegrating front pipe (long story) and do a little quick bodywork to shore her up against winter. Upon exploring a hole at the bottom of the fender I discovered a disturbing accumulation of sand and organic matter. With the help of Special Hook Tool #1 I was able to get it all out. I hope.

That felt good.

Random pics from Jake’s house

Ok. I haven’t done crap on my cars lately so I decided to post some random pics from Jake’s house, where moderate amounts of fine beer is consumed while tinkering.

I just like this shot.

Early  Fall ’09. I think we might have gotten some work done.

Sir Jake of the Round Fender performing important revving and swilling activities.

On second thought maybe not.

This shot is fun too:

Bella is the unofficial symbol of The Rhode Island Contingent. I have a new hatch for him. In my basement. It is brown.

And one more from a different day:

With his new GT poster!